
Why I’m Excited About Witchcraft for Healing

I got my author preview copy, and it’s gorgeous!

Okay, I know that some people think that books just magically appear on Amazon, and that anyone who wants to write one can just wiggle their fingers at a laptop for a few hours and then BOOM a book pops out, but the fact is, it’s a lot of hard work. It’s months of research, followed by the actual creation of the content, and then a bunch of editors do their thing, the author has to go back and make revisions ad nauseum… it goes on for a looooong time.

But I love it. I enjoy the entire process, especially when I’m writing about something that excites me. One of the things I really love about my upcoming book, Witchcraft for Healing, available on November 10, is that I’m a huge advocate of self-care… and that’s what this book is all about. It takes the radical approach that it’s absolutely okay — and even healthy — to prioritize your own needs, wants, and feelings. Not only that, but when you do make self-care a priority — in whatever form happens to resonate you — it can truly enrich your relationships with other people. Your family, friends, and your entire community can benefit from it, just because you took the time to focus on work that boosts your own mind, body, and spirit.

That’s a pretty powerful thing.

I’ve spent a lot of years building my personal philosophy of self-care, what it means to me, and how I make it work… and I can’t wait to share it with you! It’s my hope that the material in Witchcraft for Healing will help you grow and evolve as much as you need and want to — remember, self-care isn’t selfish at all. It’s transformative.

To learn more about Witchcraft for Healing, and pre-order your own copy, take a look over here: Amazon – Witchcraft for Healing

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Patti Wigington