
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall…

Image by iofoto via Canva

… who’s the most magical of them all?

Well, YOU ARE, if you incorporate mirrors into your magical practice. From scrying to repelling spells to beauty rituals, mirrors can come in handy in a number of ways. Here are a few of my favorite magical uses for mirrors:

Make a Scrying Mirror

Scrying is one of the best known forms of divination, and can be done in a variety of ways. Basically, it’s the practice of looking into some sort of reflective surface — such as water, fire, glass, dark stones, etc. — to see what messages, symbols, or visions may appear. A scrying mirror is a simple black-backed mirror, and it’s easy to make one yourself.

Beauty Magic

Get your favorite color of lipstick (for me, it’s Urban Decay’s Mrs. Mia Wallace or MAC’s Ruby Woo), and a bowl of rose petals. Stand in front of your bathroom mirror, or use a handheld one, and place the lipstick in the bowl of rose petals. Say Beauty within and outside of me, beauty I feel and what others now see. Luscious color to last a while, on my spirit and on my smile. Apply the lipstick, blow yourself a kiss in the mirror, and admire how awesome you are. Keep your lipstick handy for touch-up applications as it wears off during the day. When you go to bed at night, keep the lipstick in the bowl of rose petals beside your mirror.

Spell for Self-Love

This is a great one to do around Valentine’s Day because candy hearts are everywhere, but you can do it any time you need a little boost to your self-esteem. Pour a bag of candy hearts into a bowl, and then close your eyes and pick one at random. Open your eyes, look into a mirror, and read yourself the message on the heart. Does it say You’re Awesome or Hot Stuff or Kiss Me on it? Repeat the message to yourself in the mirror three times, and say it like you mean it! After you’ve done this, eat the candy heart – and then do it again, until you’ve read yourself nine different messages and eaten the candies. Spend the rest of the day thinking about how fantastic you are, and how you’re worthy of love from yourself and others.

Repel Negativity

There are several methods of creating a magic mirror. The first, and simplest, is to use a single mirror. First, consecrate the mirror like you would any other of your magical tools. Place the mirror, standing up, in a bowl of black salt, which is used in many forms of folk magic to provide protection and repel negativity.

In the bowl, facing the mirror, place something that represents your target — the person who is cursing you. This can be a photo, a business card, a small doll, an item that they own, or even their name written on a piece of paper. This will reflect that individual’s negative energy back to them.

You can also create a mirror box. It works on the same principle as a single mirror, but uses several mirrors to line the inside of a box. Just hot-glue them in place so they don’t move around. Once you’ve done so, place a magical link to the person inside the box, and then seal the box. You can use black salt if you wish to add a little more magical oomph.

One of my favorite methods of making a mirror box is to incorporate the shards of a mirror you’ve smashed with a hammer while chanting the person’s name. This is a LOT of fun — and smashing anything with a hammer is pretty therapeutic — but be careful not to cut yourself. Wear gloves and safety glasses if you opt for this approach; the safest way to do it is put the mirror in a cloth bag before you start smashing!


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Patti Wigington