
The 2022 Pagan Calendar

So, back when I was writing for About.com/ThoughtCo/LearnReligions, one of my most popular pages was the annual calendar, which featured things like full moon dates, Sabbats, and other items I thought might be of interest. Since I’m no longer writing for them, and have no way to edit or update the calendar on LearnReligions — and because people keep asking me for the annual calendar — I’m going to go ahead and post it here. Please note that some of the links will take you back to LearnReligions for more detail — also, I’ll be updating this periodically to reflect festivals, conferences, and other events as I become aware of them, so feel free to go ahead and bookmark it!

Please note that all dates are based on Northern Hemisphere events unless otherwise noted, and the full moon dates and times displayed here are based upon the Farmer’s Almanac schedules, which is listed in Eastern Standard Time. You may need to adjust the time for these depending on where you live.

January 2022

  • 1: Birthday of folklorist Sir James Frazier, 1854. Frazier’s work, The Golden Bough, is a must-read for anyone interested in modern Paganism, and the mythologies of the past
  • 13: Last of Austria’s witchcraft laws repealed in 1787
  • 14: Thorrablot, a Norse Heathen celebration honoring Thor
  • 17: Full moon — Cold Moon or Wolf Moon at 6:51 pm. This is a good month to work on developing the inner self, connecting with the deities of our paths, and focusing on self-discovery and awareness
  • 19: Birthday of Dorothy Clutterbuck, who allegedly initiated Gerald Gardner into the New Forest coven
  • 24: Sementivae, a grain-oriented festival celebrating the sowing of the fields in preparation for springtime’s planting
  • 25: Birthday of poet Robert Burns, 1759
  • 30 – Feb. 2: Roman celebration of Februalia
  • 31: Up Helly Aa celebration, Shetland Islands, Scotland
  • 31: Disablot, a Norse Heathen celebration to mark new beginnings, honor land wights, and charm the plow for the upcoming planting season

February 2022

  • 2: Imbolc, the celebration of the goddess Brighid
  • 2: Lammas or Lughnasadh (Southern Hemisphere), marking the grain harvest at the end of summer
  • 12: Death of Gerald Gardner, founder of modern Wicca, in 1964
  • 13–21: Roman Festival of Parentalia, a time of quiet, personal reflection, in which the ancestors were honored
  • 14: Valentine’s Day
  • 15: Lupercalia, celebrating fertility and the coming of spring
  • 16: Full Moon — Quickening Moon, or Snow Moon at 11:59 a.m. Magical rituals in this cycle often focus on new beginnings and plans for the future

March 2022

  • 1: Matronalia, the Festival of Women, held in honor of Juno Luciana.
  • 6: Birthday of “official witch of Salem” Laurie Cabot in 1933
  • 17: St. Patrick’s Day
  • 18: Full moon — Storm Moon, or Worm Moon, at 3:20 am. Use this month’s moon phase to celebrate balance, rebirth, and renewal
  • 22: Ostara, the spring equinox.
  • 22: Mabon (Southern Hemisphere), the autumn equinox.
  • 26: Birthday of author and folklorist Joseph Campbell
  • 28: Death of author Scott Cunningham in 1993

April 2022

  • 15: Sigrblot/Sumarsdag, a Norse Heathen celebration of the first day of summer in Scandinavian countries
  • 16: Birthday of author Margot Adler
  • 16: Full moon — Wind Moon, also called the Pink Moon, at 2:57 pm. April is a month of pending rebirth, as the earth and soil prepare for new life to sprout.
  • 22: Earth Day
  • 23: Wiccan pentacle is officially added to the list of VA-approved emblems for gravestones, 2007
  • 28–May 3: Floralia, honoring the goddess of spring flowers and vegetation.
  • 30: Walpurgisnacht celebrated by German witches

May 2022

  • 1: Beltane, a feast of fire and fertility
  • 1: Samhain (Southern Hemisphere), the witches’ new year.
  • 1: Roman festival of the fertility goddess Bona Dea
  • 5: Cinco de Mayo
  • 8: Mother’s Day
  • 16: Full moon — Flower Moon at 12:15 am. In May, focus on magic related to careers and jobs. If you’ve thought about changing jobs, or even entering a new career field, this is a good time to do it.

June 2022

  • 1: England’s Witchcraft Act of 1563 goes into effect
  • 7–15: Roman Festival of Vestalia, honoring the vestal virgins
  • 10: Hanging of Bridget Bishop, first of twenty victims to be executed in the Salem Witch Trials.
  • 13: Birthday of Gerald Gardner, founder of modern Wicca, in 1884
  • 14: Full moon — Strong Sun Moon, or Strawberry Moon, at 7:52 am. June is full of long, light-filled days, and the nights are short and warm. This month’s magical workings are perfect for maintaining and enhancing things you already have.
  • 17: Birthday of Wiccan author Starhawk
  • 19: Juneteenth
  • 19: Father’s Day
  • 21: Litha, the summer solstice
  • 21: Yule (Southern Hemisphere), the winter solstice
  • 22: England’s last Witchcraft Law is repealed in 1951
  • 27: Birthday of author Scott Cunningham in 1956

July 2022

  • 4: Independence Day
  • 13: Birthday of Dr. John Dee in 1527
  • 13: Full moon — Blessing Moon, also called the Buck Moon, at 2:38 pm. This is a time to work on divination, dreamwork and meditation. Count your blessings this month, and think about what you can do to bring more of them into your life.
  • 19: Rebecca Nurse is hanged in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692

August 2022

  • 1: Lammas or Lughnasadh, the celebration of the grain harvest
  • 1: Imbolc (Southern Hemisphere), honoring the goddess Brighid
  • 1: Birthday of medium Edward Kelley, 1555
  • 11: Full Moon – Sturgeon Moon, at 9:36 pm. Now is a time to focus on harvesting that which you have already planted… but don’t forget, it’s important to set some of your harvest aside for the coming winter months.
  • 13: Roman Festival of Pomona, goddess of apples and orchards
  • 20: Birthday of author Ann Moura in 1947
  • 23: Roman Festival of Vulcanalia
  • 31: Birthday of author Raymond Buckland

September 2022

  • 10: Birthday of Carl Llewellyn Weschcke
  • 10: Full Moon – Harvest Moon or Corn Moon, at 5:58 am. This a season to celebrate hearth and home. Brew up some comfort food, begin storing your harvest for the winter, and settle in for a month of thanksgiving.
  • 14: Birthday of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, author of Three Books on Occult Philopsopy, in 1486
  • 14: Birthday of author Ellen Dugan
  • 21: International Day of Peace
  • 22: Mabon, the autumn equinox
  • 22: Ostara (Southern Hemisphere), the spring equinox

October 2022

  • 3: Roman Festival of Bacchus, god of vines, vegetation, and wine
  • 9: Full moon – Blood Moon, sometimes referred to as the Hunter’s Moon, at 4:54 pm. It’s the dark half of the year, and the veil between our world and the spirit world is thin. Focus on divination, communication with departed ancestors, and psychic messages this month.
  • 11: Indigenous Peoples’ Day
  • 12: Birthday of occultist Aleister Crowley, 1875
  • 18: Birthday of Nicholas Culpeper, noted herbalist, in 1616
  • 20: Birthday of Selena Fox of Circle Sanctuary
  • 31: Samhain, the witches’ new year
  • 31: Beltane (Southern Hemisphere), a feast of fire and fertility
  • 31: Covenant of the Goddess formed in 1975
  • 31: Winter Nights/Vetrablot, a Norse Heathen celebration of the arrival of winter

November 2022

  • 1: Mexico’s Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos
  • 2: Birthday of Wiccan author Sirona Knight
  • 8: Full moon – Mourning Moon, Beaver Moon, or Frost Moon, at 6:02 am. Why not use this month to shed your bad habits and toxic relationships, and get a fresh start? Work on developing and strengthening your connection with the Divine as well.
  • 11: Veteran’s Day
  • 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance
  • 25: Thanksgiving day (United States)
  • 30: Birthday of Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, founder of Church of All Worlds
  • 30: Festival of Hecate Trivia, honoring Hecate, a goddess of magic and sorcery

December 2022

  • 5: Krampusnacht, celebrating Krampus, a Bavarian figure who is the opposite of Santa Claus
  • 7: Full moon – Long Nights Moon, or Cold Moon, at 11:09 pm.  Now is a good season for spiritual alchemy. It’s time to evaluate your life, and know that you’ll survive the dark times. If you’ve already put the darkness behind you, take your good fortune and share it with others.
  • 17: Beginning of Saturnalia, a Roman celebration honoring the god Saturn
  • 21: Yule, the winter solstice
  • 21: Litha (Southern Hemisphere), the summer solstice
  • 25: Feast of Frau Holle, Germanic goddess
  • 25: Christmas Day
  • 31: Festival of Hogmanay


  • James

    Hi Patti! I just wanted to thank you for sharing these dates, I appreciate it a lot. Since you mention you’ve received several requests for the calendar for 2021, I wonder, have you ever considered making the calendar shareable? You could create a google account and set up the calendar with the dates therein, and then set it to public and shareable. You could add a link to the calendar here or anywhere, and anyone with an android phone could sync it directly to their phone’s calendar. I realise this entails more work for you and you’ve already done more than enough, but I wasn’t sure if you knew you could do this and whether it might interest you. If not, that’s all right! Again, thanks a million.

  • Diane Jessup

    Just wanted to say thanks, and thanks for mentioning Rebecca Nurse. I have a family book showing my direct male line to her 10 generations back. I looked up her stone when I wS in Salem and it was a somber experience for sure.

    • pattiwigington.com

      Hi Pete! Nope, it’s definitely on the 20th this year… BUT! The actual astronomical time is at 11:32 pm – in other words, it’s so late in the day that I can see why some people might just count the 21st as the “full day” solstice, if that makes sense.

      • pattiwigington.com

        Leesil, excellent question – and one that doesn’t have a concrete answer. Like so many things in modern Pagan beliefs, the answer is “Ehhh, depends…”

        And what it depends on is the practitioner’s tradition. For example, a lot of Neopagan trads consider all the summer months – June, July, August – to be associated with Fire; after all, it’s hot and sunny, so that’s reasonable.

        However, think about this: August is also a time when the fields are flourishing, the grain harvest is about to be threshed… and these aspects of the month tend to make us think more of Earth, and the soil itself.

        As if that wasn’t enough, what if you live in an area where August is wet and rainy, or dry and windy?

        So what I’d suggest is this: think about what the climate and agricultural conditions are where you live. Is it harvest season, or are you in the southern hemisphere, where it’s cold and chilly during August? Is it hot and muggy? Wet and soggy? Dry and arid? Figure that out, and you should be able to figure out what’s most appropriate for you.

        You might also want to read this article, on how to celebrate the sabbats seasonally, using agricultural markers rather than calendar dates: https://www.learnreligions.com/celebrating-the-sabbats-seasonally-2562053

  • Leesil

    Thanks so much for your reply! I’m also wondering if you will be posting again for 2022? I’m enjoying keeping up with the dates for each of the holidays 🙂

    • pattiwigington.com

      Leesil, I’ll definitely be doing a 2022 version, but probably not until late fall, maybe Novemberish.

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Patti Wigington