
Intro to Paganism Study Guide

So last week About.com advised us that they would shortly be doing away with the e-courses. There were several reasons for this – all of which are valid and legitimate – but that doesn’t change the fact that a lot of readers really loved my site’s e-classes. In particular, the Intro to Tarot and the Wicca & Paganism 101 e-classes were huge hits with many readers, and I always got a ton of great feedback from people who had subscribed.

With limited notice as to the end of the e-courses, I wasn’t entirely sure what to do about them – while I know there are a number of other programs I can use to set up a mailer system for a free e-class, the fact is that I have a lot of irons in the fire right now, and don’t have the time to learn a new system right this minute. Then I realized that I had already done the legwork for the e-classes – putting together links to articles in a coherent and organized collection. It occurred to me that rather than e-mailed newsletter-type lessons, these would actually transfer really well into a self-study lesson plans, in which readers can work through at their own pace.

So I’ve decided to turn those two e-classes into self-study guides. The first one is already up and loaded here: Introduction to Paganism – A 13-Step Study Guide.

All the study guides for everyone!

Bookmark it, print it, throw spaghetti at it, whatever you want to do – it’s all there for your convenience, and it’s all of the same content that was previously included in the Wicca 101 e-class. Don’t worry, there’s no tests, grading, or weird bell curves involved – it’s just a chance for you to follow one of my favorite suggestions: read, study, learn, and grow.

I should get the Introduction to Tarot study guide complete by the end of the month (funny story, I actually had it all loaded up and my computer shut itself off, erasing four hours worth of work, so I have to re-do it), and will announce it when it’s up and ready to roll. In the meantime, go forth and learn new things!


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Patti Wigington