
Celebrating Beltane with Kids

Image by Pixabay from Pexels via Canva

Every year, we talk about Beltane and fertility and the horned god and the warm earth and blah blah blah, and every year I get messages from parents who are like “My kid is four, do I really have to talk about the erect phallus of the god?”

Well, nooooooo, of course not, because this is modern Paganism and you can celebrate anything you like in the way that best suits you and your family. A lot of people don’t focus on fertility for Beltane at all, because it excludes a lot of relationships, but that’s a conversation for a whole ‘nother post.

So, what’s a Pagan parent to do, if they’d like to keep their littles involved with ritual practice, but uncomfortable focusing on the AW YEAH SEXYTIMES part of Beltane?

The first rule is: Don’t Panic.

Here are some ideas for celebrating Beltane with your kiddos, that won’t lead to awkward conversations you’re not quite ready to have yet: Celebrate Beltane with Kids

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Patti Wigington