
Candle Magic: The Shut the Heck Up Spell

Want a sneak peek at some of the material in my new book, the Candle Magic Journal & Handbook? Here’s one of my personal favorites, the Shut the Heck Up Spell – it’s one of many you’ll find inside!

If you’ve got someone who can’t seem to keep their opinions of you out of their mouth—or who likes to gossip, tell lies, or spread information that isn’t their business—this spell is for you. To dress the candle, use a lightweight, unscented oil like grapeseed or safflower, and dried dill, which is associated with silence. Use a mortar and pestle or other grinding tool to crush the herb.


  • A black candle
  • An inscribing tool
  • Unscented oil
  • Dried dill, ground finely

Inscribe the name of your problem person on the candle. Using a small brush or piece of cotton, apply a thin layer of oil around the candle, in a motion that goes away from you. Roll the oiled candle in the dill, so that the entire thing is covered in a fine coating of dried herb. Light the candle, and visualize the person who’s been speaking about you. Say “[Name], your words have no power. Your words mean nothing. Your words about me will no longer be heard. Your words about me will fall upon deaf ears, and my name will no longer come out of your mouth. Your words have no power at all. You will be silent.”

As you do this, envision the person’s words about you floating away into nothingness, so they no longer exist. Allow the candle to burn out on its own, and then take it someplace far from your home to dispose of it.

Like this spell? There’s plenty more in my new book, the Candle Magic Journal & Handbook, on sale April 12! Be sure to pre-order your copy on Amazon here: Candle Magic

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Patti Wigington