• Reynoldsburg OH: Meet Your Badass Ancestors

    Join me at Erzulie’s Conjure Garden for a 2 1/2 hour workshop that will help you work with your ancestors. Ancestor veneration is a key component of many spiritual/occult practices, but very few people know where to start. Often, misunderstanding of these concepts leads to cultural appropriation and less than successful magical efforts because of the disconnect between the practitioner and Spirit. This workshop is an introduction to genealogical research as well as an introduction to making your magic more powerful through working with your ancestors. We’ll also discuss sensitive topics about problematic ancestors that you may have in your bloodline. Meet Your Badass Ancestors is open to anyone, regardless…

  • Cleveland OH: Household Magic

    Join me at The Buckland Museum of Witchcraft & Magick, and learn how to use plain old non-magical stuff around your house in your spellwork and rituals. From kids’ toys to the weird things in the back of your kitchen junk drawer, this fun and interactive workshop will be a chance to put on your witchy thinking hats and come up with some creative solutions to magical problems! $15 Workshop Fee – be sure to pre-register by emailing bucklandmuseum@gmail.com, as seating may be limited! I’ll have copies of my books, Wicca Practical Magic and Daily Spell Book for the Good Witch, to sign for you as well!

  • Room With a Boo: Tarot & Divination For Writers

    Are you a fiction author who wants to add some spooky divination elements to your novel? Got a character who’s getting a Tarot reading full of sketchy cards, or who keeps encountering a weird old lady with a pendulum? This workshop, which is part of the Room with a Boo Haunted Writing Retreat, will help you master the basics of writing about Tarot cards (and readers!), as well as other forms of divination such as pendulums, scrying mirrors, runes, and more! Note: You MUST be registered for the Room with a Boo Haunted Writing Retreat to attend this workshop.

  • Dayton Pagan Pride: Magical Self Defense

    Worried someone might be coming at you with a magical attack? Don’t sweat it – this workshop will teach you all kinds of handy magical self defense skills, from binding and banishing to traditional folk magic and witch bottles. Not only that, we’ll look at the mundane actions you can take to keep someone from hitting you with negative energy, how to figure out it you’re truly cursed or hexed, and some quick and dirty ways to create a magical barrier around your property, your loved ones, and your valuable stuff. Handouts will be available, but you’re welcome to take notes if you need to! I’ll also have a booth,…

  • Atlanta, GA: Mystic South

    I’m back at Mystic South, which is one of the coolest Pagan events in the southeast! Now returning after a two-year Covid hiatus, Mystic South offers a variety of different workshops and rituals presented by members of the Pagan, Polytheistic, Witchcraft, and Heathen community. I’ll be presenting two different workshops: Friday, July 15, 8 am: Household Magic: Use the Mundane to Make the Magical Learn how to use plain old non-magical stuff around your house in your spellwork and rituals. From kids’ toys to the weird things in the back of your kitchen junk drawer, this fun and interactive workshop will give you a chance to put on your witchy…

  • Grove City, OH: Magical Self Defense

    I’m back at Blessed Be for a class on Magical Self Defense: Practical Protection & Psychic Security! Worried someone might be coming at you with a magical attack? Don’t sweat it – this workshop will teach you all kinds of handy magical self defense skills, from binding and banishing to traditional folk magic and witch bottles. Not only that, we’ll look at the mundane actions you can take to keep someone from hitting you with negative energy, how to figure out it you’re truly curse or hexed, and some quick and dirty ways to create a magical barrier around your property, your loved ones, and your valuable stuff. I’ll have…

  • Grove City, OH: Household Magic

    Join me at Blessed Be, and learn how to use plain old non-magical stuff around your house in your spellwork and rituals. From kids toys to the weird things in the back of your kitchen junk drawer, this fun and interactive workshop will be a chance to put on your witchy thinking hats and come up with some creative solutions to magical problems! $10 Workshop Fee – be sure to pre-register, as seating may be limited! I’ll have copies of my books, “Wicca Practical Magic” and “The Good Witch’s Daily Spell Book” to sign for you as well!

  • Lancaster, OH: Wicca 101 (Two Part Class)

    Interested in learning the basics of Wiccan spirituality? This two-part crash course will cover the essentials: magical tools, herbs and crystals, Sabbats and celebrations, spellwork and divination, and much much more. Each session is four hours long, but don’t worry – we’ll take a break in the middle for refreshments. Class fee is $50, and you’ll get to take home a collection of useful handouts to add into your Book of Shadows. Space is limited, so be sure to reserve your spot ahead of time. Class will be held on Saturday April 6, and Saturday April 13, 2019.

  • Morgantown Pagan Pride Day: Magical Self Defense

    Worried someone might be coming at you with a magical attack? Don’t sweat it – this workshop will teach you all kinds of handy magical self defense skills, from binding and banishing to traditional folk magic and witch bottles. Not only that, we’ll look at the mundane actions you can take to keep someone from hitting you with negative energy, how to figure out it you’re truly curse or hexed, and some quick and dirty ways to create a magical barrier around your property, your loved ones, and your valuable stuff. Handouts will be available, but you’re welcome to take notes if you need to! I’ll also have a booth,…

  • Beltaine in the Forest: Money Magic & Financial Folklore

    Join me at Beltaine in the Forest, near Charleston, WV, as we talk DOLLLAAAHHHHS! Money magic is one of the most popular forms of spellwork. If you’ve ever thought about adding a bit of extra scratch to your wallet, this workshop is designed for you! From mojo bags and knot magic to herbs, crystals, and charms, we’ll look at financial folklore from around the world, as well as show you how to bring money in without sending any out. Join me for a fun and interactive workshop that won’t cost you a thing! I’ll also have a booth, so feel free to stop by and pick up a copy of…

Patti Wigington