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    Announcing The New Aradia

    I’m pleased to announce that one of my invocations has been selected for inclusion in The New Aradia: A Witch’s Handbook to Magical Resistance, available at the end of this month! Editor Laura Tempest Zakroff and the folks at Revelore Press have put together an incredible collection of great material for this anthology. I’m honored to be in some really impressive company, including Christopher Penczak, Ivo Dominguez Jr., Laura Tempest Zakroff, Mat Auryn, Storm Faerywolf, and Byron Ballard, just to name a few. From the publisher: “The New Aradia is a handbook is designed to serve as a collection of ideas to teach, share, inspire, empower, protect, and guide. Within…

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    Mass Tragedy and Spiritual Response

    In the wake of yet another horrific school shooting, I always find myself fielding emails from people who want to know what they can do, because for the love of Pete, thoughts and prayers don’t seem like enough. And yet, for some, thoughts and prayers offer comfort, and it’s the only thing they can think of as a response to a horrible and brutal event. One of my readers says, “I know this sounds crazy, but every time something big and terrible happens–like an earthquake or a mass shooting–I feel so emotionally connected. I don’t even know these people and I still find myself sobbing and crying and reacting as…

Patti Wigington