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    Pagan Books: Finding the Real Deal

    As more and more books on Paganism, Wicca, and other earth-based spiritual paths become available—hundreds appear on Amazon every year—readers are often faced with choices about what to read. One of the things people typically find themselves asking is, “How do I know what books are reliable?,” followed almost immediately by “Which authors should I avoid?” As you learn and read and study, you’ll learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff, and you’ll eventually be able to figure out on your own what makes a book credible, or worth reading, and what makes it one that should probably only be used as a doorstop or paperweight. There are…

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    Time Management Magic: Build a Daily Study Plan

    Okay, I get it. It’s hard to find the time to dedicate to your spiritual growth. After all, you’ve got a job, kids, a life… who has time to read, right? Well, the fact is that you’ve got the same 24 hours in your day as everyone else. It’s up to you to decide how to spend it. If your spiritual growth is truly important to you, you’ll prioritize things so you’ll have the time you need to learn and study. Many people find that by setting up a daily plan of study, they can develop good habits that help them make time for their spiritual education. So what are…

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    Stuff to Read for NeoWiccan Practice

    Are you interested in some of the popular NeoWiccan texts? There are a variety of documents available to explore if you’re interested in following a NeoWiccan path, and you can read nearly all of them online via these links. The Gardnerian Book of Shadows This is the text of the Book of Shadows composed and handed down by Gerald Gardner. In one sense, this is the central sacred text of the Wiccan religion. However, there is no ‘official’ Book of Shadows, and each coven usually has a hand-written copy of a Book of Shadows, sometimes in cypher or code, which reflects its own practices and knowledge. The Golden Bough The…

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    Need Time to Learn? Create a Daily Study Plan!

    Okay, I get it. It’s hard to find the time to dedicate to your spiritual growth. After all, you’ve got a job, kids, a life… who has time to read, right? Well, the fact is that you’ve got the same 24 hours in your day as everyone else. It’s up to you to decide how to spend it. If your spiritual growth is truly important to you, you’ll prioritize things so you’ll have the time you need to learn and study. Many people find that by setting up a daily plan of study, they can develop good habits that help them make time for their spiritual education. So what are…

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    NeoWiccan Texts and Reading Material

    Are you interested in some of the popular NeoWiccan texts? There are a variety of documents available to explore if you’re interested in following a NeoWiccan path, and you can read nearly all of them online via these links. The Gardnerian Book of Shadows This is the text of the Book of Shadows composed and handed down by Gerald Gardner. In one sense, this is the central sacred text of the Wiccan religion. However, there is no ‘official’ Book of Shadows, and each coven usually has a hand-written copy of a Book of Shadows, sometimes in cypher or code, which reflects its own practices and knowledge. The Golden Bough The…

Patti Wigington