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    Clean House by Swapping Your Magical Stuff

    At some point in your life as a Pagan, you’ll probably have moments where you look at a book on your shelf and think, “I will never read that again.” Or perhaps there’s a deck of Tarot cards that you own, but have never really connected with. Maybe you’ve got an athame that’s outlived its appeal, and you’ve replaced it with something new. So what’s a Pagan to do with all that stuff? Why not organize a magical swap meet? Look at it this way – if you’ve got a dozen things you don’t want or need, and you have nine friends who have a dozen things they don’t want…

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    I Don’t Care Where You Get Your Tools: You Do You, Boo

    Every so often I see people in the Pagan community start clutching their pearls and sobbing about how the Instagram Witches are ruining everything because they’re buying their sage in a Sephora Witch Kit or they got a cute altar statue at a Harry Potter convention or they picked up crystals that OMG ARE NOT EVEN LOCALLY SOURCED. Most of the people in the discussions I saw about this topic fell into one of two camps: either “Who cares, just let them practice,” or “THEY RUINED WITCHCRAFT FOR THE REST OF US FOREVER.” This conversation, though, isn’t really so much about Sephora Witch Kits or Whole Foods or whatever per…

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    Organize a Magical Swap Meet

    At some point in your life as a Pagan, you’ll probably have moments where you look at a book on your shelf and think, “I will never read that again.” Or perhaps there’s a deck of Tarot cards that you own, but have never really connected with. Maybe you’ve got an athame that’s outlived its appeal, and you’ve replaced it with something new. So what’s a Pagan to do with all that stuff? Why not organize a magical swap meet? Look at it this way – if you’ve got a dozen things you don’t want or need, and you have nine friends who have a dozen things they don’t want…

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    Midsummer Magical Tool Recharge Ritual

    At Litha, the summer solstice, the sun is at its highest point in the sky. Its power reaches its apex, and we celebrate the raw energy of the sun on the longest day of the year. Because this is the high point of the sun’s journey, it is a day of great magical potential. Take advantage of this natural power, harness it, and use it to recharge your magical tools. Typically, magical tools are consecrated before first use, but it’s a good idea to periodically recharge them, just like mundane tools. After all, if you use a cordless drill or a flashlight often enough, eventually the battery is going to…

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    Organize a Magical Swap Meet

    At some point in your life as a Pagan, you’ll probably have moments where you look at a book on your shelf and think, “I will never read that again.” Or perhaps there’s a deck of Tarot cards that you own, but have never really connected with. Maybe you’ve got an athame that’s outlived its appeal, and you’ve replaced it with something new. So what’s a Pagan to do with all that stuff? Why not organize a magical swap meet? Look at it this way – if you’ve got a dozen things you don’t want or need, and you have nine friends who have a dozen things they don’t want…

Patti Wigington