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    Make a Mabon Cleansing Wash

    This herbal infusion is one of my favorite things to make in the late summer and early fall, and can be used as a skin wash or a cleanser for your ritual space. By infusing the herbs in water, you can take advantage of the medicinal properties as well as the magical ones. A quart-sized jar, like the type used in food canning, is ideal for this because it allows for a tight seal, and they hardly ever break. To make this cleansing wash, we’ll be using herbs that are in full bloom in the weeks before Mabon. You’ll need a handful of each of the following: Spearmint or peppermint…

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    Apple Butter for Mabon

    One of my favorite things to do every August and September is to go to the local apple orchard and pick fruit straight off the tree. Last weekend, my guy and I went and picked peaches, and sometime in the next few weeks, we’ll be returning for apples. LOTS OF APPLES. The great thing about apples is that they’re super easy to pick, and you end up with a ton of them. The downside? YOU END UP WITH A TON OF THEM. I mean, you can only eat so many apples before you’re tired of them, so I like to do a lot of different things with apples, just to…

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    Mabon Apple Butter

    Ok, I admit that I have a weird obsession with apple picking. Every fall, I go off to the local apple orchard and spent an hour or two finding the ABSOLUTE BESTEST APPLES EVER and dropping them in a basket, and before I know it I have like eight bushels of them and my kids kids are all NO MOM OMG PLEASE NO MORE APPLES. I mean, really, you can only do so much with apples before everyone gets tired of seeing, eating, and smelling them. So, obviously, there’s some mason jar activity involved, but one of the things I love to make is apple butter. I like this because…

Patti Wigington