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    Pagan Living on a Budget

    In tight economic times, people are cutting way back on their spending. Most folks are eliminating the expenses that they consider unnecessary or frivolous. After all, no one wants to have to choose between paying the electric bill or buying food. One of the first places that Pagans tend to cut back during a financial crunch is on their magical supplies. After all, how can you justify spending money on a new set of Tarot cards or a pretty new piece of jewelry, when you don’t know how you’re going to afford your car payment next month? If you got a stimulus check earlier during COVID, you probably used it…

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    Pagan Living on a Shoestring

    In tight economic times, people are cutting way back on their spending. Most folks are eliminating the expenses that they consider unnecessary or frivolous. After all, no one wants to have to choose between paying the electric bill or buying food. One of the first places that Pagans tend to cut back during a financial crunch is on their magical supplies. After all, how can you justify spending money on a new set of Tarot cards or a pretty new piece of jewelry, when you don’t know how you’re going to afford your car payment next month? Fortunately, it is possible to still maintain your comfort level of supplies without…

Patti Wigington