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    10 Ways to Show Gratitude

    Man, I tell you. This year has been HARD, y’all. I don’t even have to explain why — all we have to do is say “2020, right?” and everyone is all UGHH NO PLEASE MAKE IT STOP. And when things are the way they’ve been, it’s really hard to find things to be thankful for. Instead of doing the big family turkey-day spread this week, I’m staying home, enjoying my four days off work in solitude, and cleaning out my attic to purge shit to donate to the local Goodwill. That’s it. I don’t even care about turkey this year. And yet, somehow, I’ve found myself this week taking a…

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    Self-Care Sundays: Deliberate Thankfulness

    A little while ago I posted about discovering a sense of gratitude in small things when the world is pretty much turned into a post-apoc hellscape around us. After all, if the outside is a scene from Mad Max Fury Road only the crazy people are retrofitting their Honda Odysseys into tanks so they can descend like a plague of locusts on the local Kroger in their quest for a few rolls of two-ply Cottonelle, sometimes it’s just better to stay indoors. And when we stay inside—or simply choose to be alone, wherever we are—there’s time for reflection and looking inward. After a chat the other day with a friend…

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    Finding Gratitude When Things Suck

    I know, I know, the world is a fucking dumpster fire right now. Everyone is in panic mode, there’s a very real pandemic sweeping the globe, and heaven forbid you run out of toilet paper—you’re pretty much screwed and will be out of food too and have to eat your shoes. via GIPHY We’re all fine. Just fucking fine. It’s a time when it’s so important to stay focused and grounded, and I’ve discovered over the past few days that I’m finding joy in small acts of compassion and kindness that I’m seeing on social media. For every 100 people hoarding Charmin like they’re some sort of toilet paper troll,…

Patti Wigington