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    Help Your Local Shops Out During COVID

    Guys, the world has been on fire for several months, and we’ve all been watching as smaller businesses are struggling to stay afloat. Especially in the case of Pagan businesses, which tend to have a shorter lifespan anyway, this year is going to be a make-or-break it situation. Plenty of the witchy shops where I live — and probably where you live as well — have moved to a model that involves curbside pickup only, or which requires customers to mask up and have access to product in minimal numbers. Whichever way your local shop has asked you to engage with them, it’s important that you still do patronize them.…

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    Going to a Sacred Site? Behave Yourself!

    Last year Morgan Daimler, who I respect and admire greatly, published a wonderful piece over at Patheos Pagan on Being Pagan and Visiting a Sacred Site. Morgan points out some really helpful things that many people don’t think of; in addition to showing careless disregard of the physical site, there’s often a complete misunderstanding of the traditions involved. Anyway, it’s a great article and you should go read it, especially since if we’re ever out of lockdown again, a lot of us will be adventuring outside. Meanwhile, I thought I’d resurrect this one that I published on About.com back in 2014 or so, which is full of some helpful reminders…

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    Don’t Be a Jerk at Sacred Sites

    Morgan Daimler, who I respect and admire greatly, recently published a wonderful piece over at Patheos Pagan on Being Pagan and Visiting a Sacred Site. Morgan points out some really helpful things that many people don’t think of; in addition to showing careless disregard of the physical site, there’s often a complete misunderstanding of the traditions involved. Anyway, it’s a great article and you should go read it. Meanwhile, I thought I’d resurrect this one that I published on About.com back in 2014 or so, which is full of some helpful reminders on what NOT to do when you go to a place that’s considered sacred in the cultural context…

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    How to Be a Good Holiday Shopper and Not an Asshole

    So, this is something I wrote a few years ago when I worked at the Big Chain Bookstore that rhymes with Yarns and Boble, but because I’ve seen so many examples of horrible shopping behavior this year, I wanted to share it again. Here you go, gentle readers. Ten ways to be a good holiday shopper… and not act like a dick to the retail peeps. ——————————————— The December holidays are nearly upon us, and even though Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Solstice are still a good six weeks away, many of my friends are gleefully rubbing their hands together in anticipation of Black Friday shopping. Everyone claims they think Black Friday is an awful…

Patti Wigington