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    Honoring the Ancestors When You’re Adopted

    A reader asks, “I have a question about the “honoring ancestors” tenet. I am adopted, and don’t know my biological parents. When I envision my ancestors do I just think generally? For example, I am African American, do I just think of (for lack of a better term) random black people?” Answer: Well, first of all, keep in mind that not ALL Pagan traditions include ancestor veneration as part of their belief or practice. There’s no hard and fast rule that says you have to do this, or that if you don’t, you’re not a Real Pagan™. However, many Pagans do include honoring their ancestors as part of their practice…

  • Reynoldsburg OH: Meet Your Badass Ancestors

    Join me at Erzulie’s Conjure Garden for a 2 1/2 hour workshop that will help you work with your ancestors. Ancestor veneration is a key component of many spiritual/occult practices, but very few people know where to start. Often, misunderstanding of these concepts leads to cultural appropriation and less than successful magical efforts because of the disconnect between the practitioner and Spirit. This workshop is an introduction to genealogical research as well as an introduction to making your magic more powerful through working with your ancestors. We’ll also discuss sensitive topics about problematic ancestors that you may have in your bloodline. Meet Your Badass Ancestors is open to anyone, regardless…

  • Reynoldsburg OH: Meet Your Badass Ancestors

    Join me at Erzulie’s Conjure Garden for a 2 1/2 hour workshop that will help you work with your ancestors. Ancestor veneration is a key component of many spiritual/occult practices, but very few people know where to start. Often, misunderstanding of these concepts leads to cultural appropriation and less than successful magical efforts because of the disconnect between the practitioner and Spirit. This workshop is an introduction to genealogical research as well as an introduction to making your magic more powerful through working with your ancestors. We’ll also discuss sensitive topics about problematic ancestors that you may have in your bloodline. Meet Your Badass Ancestors is open to anyone, regardless…

  • Reynoldsburg OH: Meet Your Badass Ancestors

    Join me at Erzulie’s Conjure Garden for a 2 1/2 hour workshop that will help you work with your ancestors. Ancestor veneration is a key component of many spiritual/occult practices, but very few people know where to start. Often, misunderstanding of these concepts leads to cultural appropriation and less than successful magical efforts because of the disconnect between the practitioner and Spirit. This workshop is an introduction to genealogical research as well as an introduction to making your magic more powerful through working with your ancestors. We’ll also discuss sensitive topics about problematic ancestors that you may have in your bloodline. Meet Your Badass Ancestors is open to anyone, regardless…

Patti Wigington